Business Entities & Transactions

Corporate Representation

Law Help Florida represents business over a diverse array of industries. We routinely assist clients in corporate transactions of all types from day-to-day governance issues through life cycle events like raising money, acquiring assets or selling shares.

Family Law Attorney Fort Lauderdale

Entity Planning

Through our extensive knowledge and experience working with the owners of closely-held businesses, as well as our exposure to numerous complex transactions, we are able to prepare effective terms of operating agreements, shareholder agreements, and buy-sell arrangements for corporations, LLCs, partnerships, and joint ventures. Our attorneys structure innovative solutions that are available for small and medium sized corporations, limited liability companies and partnerships, taking advantage of the flexibility offered by those entities.


In order to address the capital needs of our clients enjoying expansion, we provide assistance in the negotiating and obtaining of bank financing. Additionally, we aid our clients in working with venture capital firms and angel investors, as well as establishing joint ventures and making private placement offerings. We assist our clients in key aspects of financial transactions, such as retaining control over company management, limiting liability with respect to personal guarantees, requiring disclosure of critical information, and maintaining confidential information.

Family Law Attorney Fort Lauderdale
Estate Planning Attorney Fort Lauderdale

Succession Planning

Our attorneys have extensive experience in crafting, developing and implementing buy-sell arrangements, life insurance arrangements that minimize liquidity problems during estate administration, family limited partnerships (and unwinding family limited partnerships), non-qualified deferred compensation arrangements, and private annuities and sales to intentionally defective grantor trusts. We counsel our clients with the transfer of their businesses from one generation to the next, in order to maximize tax benefits and to minimize any tax obligations associated with the transition.

Exit Strategies

Law Help Florida attorneys have participated in numerous transactions involving sales of closely-held businesses to key employees, other closely-held companies and Fortune 500 companies. We provide highly personalized and responsive attention to the needs of our clients in negotiating the terms of business sales to achieve the best possible results. Our attorneys structure the sale of a business in a tax-advantaged manner, including participating in Section 1031 like-kind exchanges and maximizing potential estate planning opportunities.

Estate Planning Attorney Fort Lauderdale
Estate Planning Attorney Fort Lauderdale

Employment Related Matters

In conjunction with Law Help Florida attorneys in the employment practice areas, our business practice attorneys design and implement executive compensation policies and incentive compensation arrangements, as well as negotiate and draft employment agreements to protect our clients. Because the attorneys of our various practice areas work together, we are able to spot potential employment issues that must be addressed in a proactive manner to best protect our commercial clients from various pit-falls and traps that exist in the employment law context. We develop employment rules, policies, procedures and employee handbooks that safeguard the interests of our clients.

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Start-Ups - We're In It For the Long Haul

For start-up companies, our firm provides counsel regarding appropriate formation structures; minority business issues; compliance with state and federal legislation; initial funding and contracts and negotiation with clients, vendors and employees. As companies grow, the firm offers advice regarding alternative financing methods, property acquisitions, business development, trademark and copyrights, sale and dispute resolution.

Legal services for the life of your startup. We help you navigate the road ahead and spot issues coming around the bend, so you can focus on your clients and customers.

Plain language

We talk to you like a friend or colleague—not like an undergraduate in a lecture hall. We use plain language; we leave the legal jargon out of the documents, so you understand what we put together for your startup.

Flat rates

We work with flat rates, so you know ahead of time what our services will cost. And we get to know you and your business without you feeling like you’re on the clock.

Services we frequently provide to startups – Advising on choice of entity – Forming the company – Drafting governing documents – Drafting employment and independent contractor agreements – Advising on raising startup capital from investors – Protecting trademarks and other intellectual property – Drafting contracts – Reviewing and negotiating commercial leases – Drafting website policies